NeNe and Kim fight night see the police report inside and find out what went down….drama

nene vs kim

A police report has surfaced of Nene choking the sh*t out of Kim in Atlanta while filming an episode of the show.


ET breaks news that “Real Housewives of Atlanta” castmember Kim Zolciak has filed a police report against NeNe Leakes.
NeNe allegedly strangled Kimberly during a heated exchange.

The incident report obtained by ET states that Kim was going to shoot a scene for “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and got into an argument with NeNe. While they were fighting, NeNe started to point her fingers in Kim’s face. The report claims that when witnesses tried to break them up, NeNe “grabbed [Kim] by the neck and tried to choke her out.”

Kim then drove to the police station to file a report. Both witnesses collaborated her story. She has been advised to get a warrant for NeNe and take pictures of any bruises.

The report notes that the officer was “unable to locate the suspect at this time.”


  1. I think that the “Real Housewives of Alanta” should set positive examples for “Black women” not get on T.V. and disgrace not only themselves but the “Black Women” that are trying to set positive examples not only for children but themselves. I think that some of “the real housewives” have no self-respect I thought that Sharai (I hope that i spelled your name correctly) had alot more class than she portrayed. And futhermore; I don’t even see how some of you guys got the name Housewife. In my opinion i just think alot of you hit the jackpot. I’m not hating, but I think you all send negative messages that make the African American race look bad.

  2. IF this is not just staged it is very unfortunate, The negativity amongst the group is entertaining and that is why people watch, I believe most of it is staged. If not The entire group needs to grow up and have more self repect and they need the deliverance of Jesus!

    The Vanity, the lack of Humbleness,and greed and coveteousness and constant two-face instigating activity is more than sad if this is not an act. Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder so in their own way they are all beautiful on the outside, they need to let the inside become beautiful so they can truly enjoy the lives they are portraying to live, The Love of Money is the root of all evil, Money is not their problem it is the lack of self respect and the lack of kindeness towards one another. If you can not be happy for your friends and not talk behind each others back you should not be around one another!

  3. People need to stop looking to Television for Role models.. Television especially reality shows are for entertainment. Those Ghettos Females and Queen NENE give us our money worth. We all know that any woman that is serious about oneself, life and family will never be caught dead on one of those shows… Check the source These House wife’s all of them are sources of entertainment sit back and enjoy the show… Can’t wait till they find 5 crazies from Texas LOL

  4. Nene is a realist. Kim is very fake. I am very proud of nene and her growth of accomplishments. Nene should just focus on herself and her family and forget about all the other foolishness that don’t even matter. A person who does bad by their friend will have nothing good coming to them (kim). Nene keep up the good work and keep keeping it real and telling it like it is! Love ya, Chris F.

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