Man slept with 100 women knowing that he had full blown AIDS…. see video

GREENWOOD, IN – UPDATE: Greenwood Police arrested 47 year-old Tony Perkins Friday for two counts of witholding information. Police asaid Perkins slept with multiple women without telling them he has AIDS. Perkins was arrested at his apartment Friday afternoon and taken to Greenwood Police headquarters where he confessed he had slept with at least eleven women without disclosing to them he had full blown AIDS.

“He’s not a man, he’s a monster,” said one woman who Perkins slept with .

“He told me he had AIDS,” said Perkins ex-girlfriend who turned him in.

“He doesn’t care about anyone but himself he’s an addict, a sex addict.”

Police think Perkins was infected more than six years ago. In fact, Indiana health department officials warned Perkins not to have unprotected sex with women knowing he was contagious with the HIV virus. According to the probable cause report exclusively obtained by Fox59, Perkins wanted to exact revenge on the woman who gave him HIV.

It’s unclear who he contracted it from but reports are he possibly got it from a prostitute or an ex-girlfriend. According to Perkins ex-girlfriend, Perkins said he felt any woman who slept with him on the first few dates deserved to get HIV from him. He told another alleged victim he was allergic to latex, and couldn’t wear a condom.

The victim told Fox59 she believed him and had unprotected sex. The two female victims Fox59 exclusively spoke to say, so far, they’ve tested negative for HIV.

Fox59 tried to talk to Tony Perkins but he didn’t have much to say as Greenwood Police took him in handcuffs and placed him in the wagon to go to the Johnson County Jail outside Franklin.

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” said Perkins as he got into the van. “I was just trying to find a woman to be in my life.”

Police believe that’s a lie. His former lovers say he picked up women on the internet singles site His ex girlfriend said his m.o. was to invite women to his Greenwood apartment and tell them they could drink wine and get high.

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