Sherri Shepherd shares her story to Essence in an interview….read on

2009-08-12_1208As we know Sherri Shepherd has lost a lot of weight thanks to her eating right and exercise. She shared her weight loss on the view as well, revealing herself in a bathing suit. Now Sherri sits down and talks to Essence about the weight loss and her life now:

ESSENCE.COM: You worked it in that bathing suit on “The View.” What inspired you to lose weight in front of America and strut your stuff in swimwear?
I thought you could be healthy without a crazy diet or pills, with just eating right and exercise, and one of the perks was fitting in a bathing suit. I said I would do it too in the moment and then it was on me to deliver. I started getting many women saying to me on Twitter they lost two pounds or encouraging me to go to the gym. That’s what kept me going. We have to be healthy because we have children and a legacy to leave. That was really my goal, not the bathing suit.

ESSENCE.COM: What’s been the biggest perk to losing weight and how did you celebrate your bathing suit debut?
You gotta have your girls, and my close friends flew out for the big reveal and were my celebration. I needed those friendly faces as I came out in a bathing suit. After the reveal, for lunch I had a pastrami sandwich without bread. There were days I cheated, and I didn’t beat myself up. I just got back on track. My son is 4. On the playground before, I would just watch him and be tired. This weekend we ran and played and I wasn’t breathing hard. That was a great feeling. I want to see him graduate and to hold my grand kids.

Read more on Sherri Shepherd interview with Essence  she talks about her moms passing, breast reduction here >>Essence<<

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