The Man who assinated Malcolm X has been granted parole and will be out soon…. read on

Malcolm X
Image via Wikipedia

One of three men convicted of killing Malcolm X 45 years ago was granted release from weekends in prison in his 17th appearance before a state parole board.

Thomas Hagan, 69, appeared before a parole panel March 3 and was granted release effective April 28, state Division of Parole spokeswoman Carole Weaver said Friday.

Until then, he’ll remain at the Lincoln Correctional Facility in New York City, where he has been locked up two days a week for 22 years. The other five days, he’s been allowed to work and live with his family.

Linda Foglia, spokeswoman for the Department of Corrections, said the agency doesn’t release information on where work-release inmates are employed or where they live. While they’re out of the prison, inmates are subject to unannounced workplace and home visits by a parole officer.

Hagan was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison in April 1966 on a first-degree murder charge for shooting the civil rights activist with a .45-caliber pistol at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan in 1965.

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