Top 10 Queen New Site have you visit yet….

Have you been to our new site filled with fresh new content and new stuff. We have some of our old content as well all the way from 2009. So if you haven’t been there come visit us now. There is a lot you can do like become a guest writer, contribute to our news stories add new stories daily as you find them, share them with us. Or you can win prizes by getting points just for commenting, Liking the post or just visiting daily. Also check out our partner site Shop Deals, where you can find daily deals to save on clothing, food, vacations, and more. So what are you waiting for get over there read some new content from me and others. See you on the other side.


Top 10 Queen. cOM is official

Just getting a round to it but it’s official that we have got a domain name, of course it Top 10 Queen. COM. I am so excited and happy to be moving to our new place. So stay tune for the big open day which will be about in Two days or less… thanks so much for sticking with me you guys I am so happy yea!!!!!! Well I’m off to make the new site pretty just for you guys…. Thanks again.

Suggest a Topic for an article piece……

Suggestion Box (6/365)
Image by Ms. Tina via Flickr

Hey guys some of your comments maybe off topic at times and I just want to let you know I read every comment that comes through. With that said if you feel like venting on a specific topic then let me know, I can posted it here or do a littleย researchย on what you want to read about. It’s not hard to getย evolvedย in what’ s going on today. All you have to do is comment on this post about what topic you want to talk about, if it’s confidential then say that and I will email you back to get the details. So to all my reader thanks so much for commenting, reading and giving me your point of view. TTYL…. ๐Ÿ™‚


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I am working on finding a new theme so please work with me.

WordPress makes it very hard to find a great perfect theme if you don’t pay them so I’m trying toย tweakย something up. Please understand and bare with me… sorry for anyย inconvenience. You mayย encounterย some changes that may or may not beย permanent.

Thanks Salone

Become a fan of Top 10 Queen Social on Facebook

Well look it here I finally made a fan page for the readers of Top 10 Queen Social…. you will be able to see more of what I can’t post here on the blog as well as giveaways, freebies and so much more. Also Post that are to much for this blog can be discussed at the FAN PAGE, so there is no limit. So get over there view a few post become a fan tell your friends to. You can post pics, post a topic anything come on board with me.

Keep up with me on your mobile phone or ipad today!

You have a mobile phone and love Top 10 Queen Social then keep up with the latest on your mobile phone or iPod now. All you have to do is put in the url address: and that’s all and it’s FREE or if you have a bar code reader then just use that and you are instantly connected.

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Sorry for the delay in blogging

Yes I am so sorry for the delay in blogging, you know in life things come up like work and kids. I have been gathering ideas on what to bring to the table to make my blog more interesting. Thanks so much for the continues support. After the Christmas Holidays I will be back to full blogging as well as adding new stores to the boutique. So please read the side of my blog for new news stores and more.

Thanks, Salone ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S Yes I know about all the sad and interesting stories that have been going on here lately like Tiger Woods and his crazy scandal.


Will be back I’m not abandon my blog,

I have been working so please don’t leave because I will be back and better then ever.

Also the boutique Top 10 Queen Boutiques is still in business. So shop safe online there Updates are coming really soon.

As for new post here just check to the right of you ย for news stories they update daily, that is my daily feeds so stay up to the minute on news or view old post in the archives.

Like I said I have not for got about my readers I will be back just taking a break, working you know how that goes.

Thanks so much for the continues support and I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks, Sincerely Salone ๐Ÿ™‚