Gabourey Sidibe’s mom slam Howard Stern

Gabourey Sidibe‘s mom is making a big deal about Howard Stern‘s criticism of her daughter.

“Get a life!” Alice Tan Ridley fumed on Inside Edition Monday of the shock jock, who called the Oscar nominee, 26, the “most enormous fat black chick I’ve ever seen… She should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?”

Added Ridley, “He can see, you can see, I can see Gabby is a big girl. She’s a big woman, so what’s wrong with that?

“She’s not like everyone else in the world. I don’t see him giving jobs out to anybody, so why should we care what he says?” Ridley — who performs in the New York City subway for a living — continued. “He might not hire her, but someone else will.”

The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) also defended the Precious actress Tuesday — one day after weight loss company publicly offered her a one-year supply of their product to “reach your goal of someday winning an Oscar… by being active, fit, and most of all, healthy!”

Said NAAFA’s spokeswoman Peggy Howell, “You cannot tell by looking at a person if they are healthy. Fat does not equal disease and thin does not equal healthy… Achievements come in all sizes.”

Sidibe — who will star in the Showtime dark comedy series The Big C beginning this May — recently told Oprah Winfrey that she’d come to terms with her weight.

Sources: Us News

“It’s something I’ve had to work at. My first diet started when I was six years old,” she said. “I’ve never been a small girl. One day I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body.”

Sidibe will also appear alongside Zoe Kravitz in “Yelling to the Sky,” which hits theaters later this year.

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Who Knew! Nas never finish High School is getting his GED

NEW YORK - JULY 15:  (US   Hip-hop music artis...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Nas dropped a bombshell – he never received his high school diploma.
Yesterday, during a Boys and Girls Club Conference, Nas told a room full of kids that he didn’t finish high school. But, according to Nas, he is currently studying to get his G.E.D. And he encouraged them to stay in school, saying, “The reality of it is, you need to keep educating yourself and I wish I had stayed in school.”

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Michael Jackson Estates worth $250 Million

Michael Jackson‘s estate and Sony Music Entertainment penned the biggest deal the music industry has ever seen, TMZ reported. The contract, which allows Sony to release 10 Michael Jackson projects over the next seven years, could be worth up to $250 million and guarantees the estate $200 million.

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Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase

Federal Government is using Facebook to crack down on all of this suspicious activities  on social networking sites. They are doing it and it is legal so your next friend could be the FEDS…. There are a lot of illegal activities that happens on social networking sites. This is the Justice Department document

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Beyonce admits pre-nup with rapper Jay Z and says she feels pressure to be beautiful in her marriage

Beyonce did an interview with the German Magazine NEON here is what she had to say…….

Interviewer: Is your life easier since you are multimillionaire?

Beyonce: The fear of the student, have no future, being dependent on her boyfriend, objectively weigh heavier than the fears that torment me. Only music from subjective feeling arises – and subjective fears, many musicians have lost. We feel pain and depression, just like other people. What separates us, is perhaps the price of butter. But all that is essential, I feel like every hard working woman.

Interviewer: For example?

Beyonce: For example, I believe that in my relationship with Jay-Z – as in any genuine relationship – not everything is easy. I want children – not now, later. He’s entirely not aware of that fact yet. I want to sit around at home, also times in a tracksuit pants. He assumes and believes that women even wear high heels just to go to the bathroom.

Interviewer: Apparently Jay-Z has to pay you ,in the case of a separation after two years of marriage, ten million dollars, for each additional year of marriage is added an additional one million.

Beyonce: Anyone who thinks so because of what? I do not deny that there is a marriage contract. I would encourage any woman getting married to put on such a treaty, it will gain more influence on self-esteem. For details, I don’t express myself . I am not here on trial.

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True Story! Man kills his girlfriend and 5 week old baby…

ST. PETERSBURG – The man police suspect killed his girlfriend and 5-week-old son was on a suicide watch Sunday at the Pinellas County Jail.

Craig Wall Sr., 34, was transported to Pinellas County after a judge in Sumter County, where he was arrested last week, denied him bail Sunday morning.

Wall was booked around noon on a charge of first-degree murder after police said he stabbed Laura Taft, 29, to death early Wednesday at her Clearwater apartment.

He was placed on watch in a single-person cell at the jail’s health care facility, said Pinellas sheriff’s spokeswoman Marianne Pasha. Those deemed at risk for suicide must wear a paper sheet for clothing and are monitored constantly.

A booking report states he has a knife wound, an old scar unrelated to the last week’s events, Pasha said, though a week-old report does not declare the wound.

Wall’s baby, Craig Jr., was in his care on Feb. 5, a day before the child died. Clearwater police, who are investigating the baby’s death, said last week they are awaiting a final report from the medical examiner’s office.

Wall has not been charged in that case, though a police report calls him a suspect.

Wall was last in the jail a week ago on a charge he violated a domestic violence injunction sought by his girlfriend by attempting to attend a memorial service for the baby in Largo.

At a hearing to decide on bail for that offense, he was let go after paying $1,000.

Neither the arrest report for the violation that noted he was suspected in his baby’s death, nor the 14 years he spent in prison for armed robbery charges, were brought up in that hearing.

Within 33 hours of his release, Taft was dead. Clearwater police said Wall kicked through a door and stabbed her several times.

Hours later, Sumter County deputies found Wall passed out in his car near Interstate 75. He was taken to Citrus Memorial Hospital and then to the Sumter jail. On Sunday, he was sent to Pinellas, where he will face the murder charge.

The state attorney for Pinellas and Pasco counties, Bernie McCabe, said late last week he was “dumbfounded” by the way his office had mishandled the domestic violence hearing that led to Wall’s release.

His chief assistant met Friday with prosecutors who handle such cases to review the procedures they should follow.

Drew Harwell can be reached at or (727) 445-4170.

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Our Family Wedding watch this Friday in Theaters

My man Lance Gross and the beautiful Miss America Ferrera in this great Comedy. This movie is funny, exciting all in one…..the movie is about for those who don’t know is:

“Our marriage, their wedding.” It’s lesson number one for any newly engaged couple, and Lucia (America Ferrera) and Marcus (Lance Gross) are no exception. In Our Family Wedding, they learn the hard way that the path to saying “I do” can be rife with familial strife. When they return from college and too suddenly announce their marriage plans, they soon discover that their fathers – two highly competitive over-the-top egos – can wreak a major amount of havoc on their special day. With insults flying and tempers running high, it’s anyone’s guess if the alpha dads (Forest Whitaker and Carlos Mencia) will survive to make it down the aisle in one piece. Lucia’s mother (Diana Maria Riva) is busy planning the wedding of “her” dreams and the only levelheaded one in the bunch is Angela (Regina King), the groom’s father’s best friend and lawyer, who manages to keep her cool when the madness reaches a crescendo. With only weeks to plan their wedding, Lucia and Marcus soon discover the true meaning of love and find there is truth to the saying – that when you marry someone, you marry their entire family.


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Nicki Minaji and the Young Money crew heads South of The Boarder….. Spring Break News!

Drake and Nicki Minaj will help headline MTV Spring Break 2010, along with other members of the YM crew, performing their No. 2 single in the country “BedRock.” Drizzy will get the crowd hyped with “Over,” the first offering from his debut album Thank Me Later, while Young Money’s First Lady ambushes the stage with the first live performance of her new single “Massive Attack”, produced by Sean Garrett and Alex Da Kid.

Hip-hop’s Barbie won’t only pop up during Young Money’s set. Minaj will storm the sandy shores with Ludacris for their collaboration “My Chick Bad” from Luda’s Battle of the Sexes album.

The ATL rapper will have sprink breakers asking “how low can you go” when he performs the remix to his smash hit with Pitbull, who will get the party started with some of his own crowd pleasers.

If that wasn’t enough, the ladies will break into a sweat once Trey Songz serenades them with material from his Ready album, including the Top 10 hit “Say Aah,” while his labelmate, hip-hop freshmen B.o.B, crashes la fiesta with “Nothin’ on You,” the first single from his debut album, featuring Bruno Mars.

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Watch The 82nd Oscars Live…… Broadcasted live

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New Yorkers were in suspense on Sunday afternoon over whether they would get to watch the 2010 Oscars telecast as Cablevision Systems Corp (CVC.N) and Walt Disney Co’s (DIS.N) ABC had not yet agreed on a new contract.

Cablevision’s 3 million New York-area customers lost broadcast signals of local station WABC-TV in the early hours of Sunday because the cable operator and the TV network were unable to come to terms.

Sunday afternoon, the pair still did not appear to have a deal even though both released statements suggesting that they were making efforts to have ABC restored to Cablevision viewers in time for the annual Oscars award extravaganza.

The station put out a statement saying that the ball was now in Cablevision’s court because it had offered a new deal.

However, a Cablevision spokesman would not acknowledge or confirm any new proposal. The cable operator instead said it would accept binding arbitration with ABC in order to immediately return ABC to Cablevision customers.

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A slain couples weird will….. this is to funny…. read on

They were bitter to the end – and beyond.

A Brooklyn couple slain in their home last month spoke from the grave in drafted last wills, leaving a bizarre legacy for unloved ones they detested in life.

“To my brother who I know hopes to be in my will, well, here you are,” chided Mark Schwartz, 50, as he bequeathed nothing to his estranged sibling, Robert, in an unsigned April 2006 draft.

In an earlier version, Schwartz had already left his brother “the sum of zero ($0.00) Dollars,” zinging, “I believe this sum is fitting, as you are probably the most greedy person I know.

“With respect to the will dated April/May 1995, . . . believe me, it’s worthless, and just in case, I expressly void again,” Schwartz said. “You are probably screaming and yelling by now.

But, “Robert, brothers are supposed to want each other to be the most they can be and make the most money they can. You, on the other hand, just sat in judgment of me and were always jealous.

“I, on the other hand, only wished you the best and to win the lottery.

“So, Robert, you have a choice, you can come to my grave site to say hello out of love or piss on me for not giving you money.”

Schwartz’s wife, Christina-Maria Petrowski-Schwartz, 48, first expressed her love for her children, Melissa and Nicholas. She then took an apparent shot at her first husband, James, leaving him no cash but decreeing that a “gift” of $10,000 be made in his name to a battered-women’s shelter.

Her ex declined comment last night.

Her own family – with the exception of a favored brother, Christian – fared little better.

“With regard to my estranged family who were never there for myself or my children, but always there for their distorted version of Catholicism, I give and bequeath the sum of $1 each to my” mother, father, two brothers and sister “and request that they donate same to their precious church to whom they had a greater allegiance, than to their first child and sister.”

In several drafts, Schwartz lays out his wish to be outfitted in scuba gear “and cast over the side of a vessel into the ocean where my body may rest undisturbed by any person[s] in the deep.”

“Although I recognize that this request may very well violate certain . . . laws of the State of New York and Federal as well as multiple other jurisdictions, I trust that my Executor and friends will ignore same,” he wrote, adding that his estate could be used to pay for any legal problems.

In a later draft, he urges his friends – should burial at sea be impossible – to come up with something befitting his character.

“Perhaps a beach party with strip[p]ers,” he wrote.

Schwartz also lays out $25,000 for each of two friends – Steven Rezac and Peter Klages – but cautions them not to tell their spouses.

“This gift is conditioned upon each of them not telling their respective wives of said gift so they may not get their hands on same,” Schwartz decreed.

Schwartz and Petrowski-Schwartz were found shot dead in their home on July 16. Cops said the estranged brother is not a suspect.

Because none of the draft wills is a signed original, none is expected to have any legal bearing.

Robert Delvicario, a friend of the couple, was named executor, given $50,000 and left Schwartz’s collection of guns and knives. Police sources have named Delvicario as a person of interest, but he has not been charged and has strongly denied involvement.

One possible reference to him in the 1995 draft, however, may be chillingly ironic.

“In the event my friends [brothers] fail to provide me with a burial befitting my character, then and in that event, I curse each one of them as follows,” Schwartz wrote.

“To Boom Boom, the electricity never be on when you need it; to TR, never will any of your radios work again”

Then, possibly addressing Delvicario specifically, he wrote: “To Bobby, never will your gun shoot when you need it.”

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