Jennifer Hudson weight loss look at the dramatic change…… also find out how you can get on board

Jennifer Hudson has teamed up with Weight Watchers and has lost a significant amount of weight. She looks amazing Jennifer says she is doing this for her baby son. See Jennifer on her Weight Watchers Commercial ad also see her on Good Morning America… I also have her Weight Watchers Interview from Facebook. How you can get on board with Weight Watchers, well just go to there website and get to attend a FREE Meeting.

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Jennifer talks about pregnancy and being a new mommy:

2009-10-09_0925How hard was it keeping your pregnancy under wraps?
“David and I were the only people who knew for a long time. I would forget I was pregnant
, it was so easy. I didn’t have any morning sickness, no cravings either. I just thought, ‘Oh, well, we’ll wait until it’ll tell on itself.’ I didn’t show until I was seven months so that made it easy right there.”

Your son was delivered via C-section, what was your recovery like?
“Everybody told me how much it was going to hurt after wards but I think I have a different tolerance for pain than others. By that night after I had the baby, I’m like, ‘Look, I can’t sit in this bed anymore. I’ve got to get up!’ I’ve been up and about since he was born. To me, the pain is no different than when you work out a muscle you’ve never worked out before and it’s sore.”

Has his personality emerged yet?
“He has a lot of personality, like David. He’s always been a good sleeper. His favorite time to smile now is diaper changes. Or when he spits up on you – he just cracks up like he thinks it’s the funniest thing. And his bottle is his pacifier. With a pacifier, it’s like he knows, ‘Ain’t nothing come out of here. No, I don’t want that. Where’s the real deal?’ His best friend is that bottle; that’s all he wants.”



The lawyer who represented the man accused of slaying Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson’s three relatives withdrew today as his attorney.

Joshua Kutnick said he believes William Balfour is innocent but cannot financially support such a high-profile case alone.

“It’s the kind of case that involves intense hours,” Kutnick said after speaking with Balfour’s mother. “I was gathering all resources, but I couldn’t finance it.” Balfour, 27, is expected to be appointed a lawyer from the public defender’s later this afternoon, Kutnick said.

Balfour is charged with killing the mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew of Hudson’s in Englewood last October.

Balfour is the estranged husband of Hudson’s sister Julia.