Another Twitter user wants to assassinate President Barack Obama

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Another stupid person wants to assassinate the president and guess what he’s black. Well unfortunately he’s a hot head read the interview he was given, and see the tweets.

Here’s another Twitter user helping to keep the Secret Service busy with his own death threats. According to his Facebook page, Jay Martin graduated from Vatterott College last year with an IT degree and currently resides in Federal Way, WA. His About Me Page says: “Socially aware, Deep thinker, Artistic, Hip Hop Aficionado, free thinker, Funny Guy.” Oh, and he really, seriously, honestly, wants to kill President Barack Obama.

GAWKER: Why were you tweeting death threats against Obama tonight?
MARTIN: Eh.. I have no excuse for that. I don’t really wish death on him or anyone else
I was just being irrational and speaking on raw emotion But there’s no EXCUSE..I did it.. and yea.
GAWKER: So when you said you were “dead serious” about wanting Obama dead what did you mean? Were you joking?
MARTIN: No.. I wasn’t joking. Thats not something you joke about. Again.. I was highly upset and speaking out of anger. I did not mean what I said though.
GAWKER: What about the legal aspect?
MARTIN: As far as the FBI? I don’t really care about them. I said what I said.. And if they take action then so be it.
GAWKER: Were you aware of how serious what you were doing could be? You’re not worried at all about the fact that you could be facing jail time?
MARTIN: No I am Not. And I did not think about consequences. Again..I was speaking out of anger and acted irrationally. Had I been in a rational mind set.. I would not have said it
GAWKER: so do you regret saying it?
JAY: Yes. But not because he’s the president.. and not because Of possible jail time. As I said . I don’t wish death on anyone. So yes. I regret threatening another person to that extreme… If I could take it back. I would. But i can’t. So I’m willing to face whatever comes next.
GAWKER: So you were speaking out of anger. What prompted your anger I’m guessing the health care vote?
JAY: Yes. And my beliefs on it from what I have researched.
GAWKER: Would you consider yourself a Conservative?
JAY: I’m not political. I don’t believe our Government has its citizen’s best interest in mind whether Democrat or Republican.
GAWKER: OK, so that’s why you’re against the health care bill.
JAY: Basically yes.

Now I just posted about Solly Forell who also wanted to see Obama assassinated see post below……

Source: Gawker
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Conservative calls for assasination of President Barack Obama on Twitter….. read on

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Image via CrunchBase

Self-described conservative blogger Solomon “Solly” Forell posted a tweet that included a call for assassination, as well as this line: “We’ll surely get over a bullet 2 Barack Obama’s head!” He goes on and on with his little rants after that view the tweets below:

That tag he added? #TCOT? It stands for “top conservatives on Twitter.”

According to his Google profile, Forell is the author of a blog titled Barack Obama Was An American Electorate Mistake, which centers around Forell’s disappointment in Obama’s presidency. This disappointment spills over into Forell’s other blogs, including Anybody But Barack Obama 2012, and The Audacity of Hype, which both touch upon Forrell’s disgust with the “cult” of Obama, “a man who has done little with his life, but has written about his achievements as ifhe had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth.”

Forell may think he’s protected by the First Amendment when it comes to his tweets, but the law begs to differ, specifically 18 USC Sec. 871:

Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

You’ll note however, that there’s nothing specified about electronic threats. Perhaps that’s why, as of now, Forell’s Twitter account does not appear to be suspended; the tweet threatening the President’s life was posted roughly six hours ago and has not yet been removed.

Update: While Forell hasn’t removed the offensive tweets, he has posted an apologetic P.S.:

Twitter said that they removed the profile but Solly Forell was still up and running. Also they say that the Secret Service is investigating this matter.Secret Service spokesperson Max Milien stating: “We are aware of the actual posting and are actively investigating.”

This story is developing….

Solly_Forell Twitter

Sources: Daily Fiances
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