Biggie’s Mom, Voletta Wallace, Wants to Talk to Lil’ Kim

voletta_wallace-newsBiggie’s mom Voletta Wallace speaks with Essence  on a one one interview, about how she felt about the movie and Biggie’s Legacy. She also want’s to speak to Lil Kim about her and Biggie’s relationship. This is what Mrs. Wallace had to say:

“I gained strength from it. There were things about him that I never knew that I wanted to see for myself on film. I saw a side of my son that I heard of but I haven’t accepted. I’m angered by certain things, disappointed and shocked. So this film taught me tolerance and to be less critical. I would love to speak to Lil’ Kim, because I need to ask more about this love relationship because I really didn’t like the way he treated her and I’m praying that that’s not it. Only she can answer those questions. She’s a sweet girl and I didn’t think she deserved to be treated the way he treated her, if that’s the case.”

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