Girl get’s fired on facebook….see inside

fired3This is funny but so crazy all at the same time, when you hate your job just keep it to yourself. Social networks are blogs are not a place to vent about your job. Many people get to comfortable and forget that the company they work for always have some one looking for workers profiles.

The girls status said:: OMG I HATE MY JOB! My boss is a total pervvy wanker always making me do sh*t stuff just to piss me off! WANKER!

The boss replied on her wall saying: Hi (the girls name) i guess you forgot about adding me on here? Firstly, don’t flatter yourself. Secondly, you’ve worked 5 months and didn’t work out that i’m gay? I know i don’t prance around like a queen, but it’s not exactly a secret. Thirdly, that “shit stuff” is called your “job”, you know, what i pay you to do. But the fact that you seem able to f*ck up the simplest tasks might contribute to how you feel about it. And lastly, you also seem to have forgotten that you have 2 weeks left on your 6 month trial period. Don’t bother coming in tomorrow.  I’ll pop your p45 in the post, and you can come in whenever you like to pick up any stuff you’ve left here. And yes, i’m serious.

I bet she didn’t see that coming, I wrote the status and comment just like they had it. She isn’t the first and sure not the last, another girl did this same thing and got fired. So guess what when they say the streets are watching, your boss is always watching as well.

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