The woman who have claim to given several mens AIDS I have photos of her

The woman who claim to have AIDS and has given it to several if not hundreds of men, has photos on her website which is on the front of the video. She also says that the Trashman who has also said to have infected many women with the AIDS virus has help her in her journey to set up this site. This is so sad for her to have done, she has also claim to be a model but for what I see she is a pornstar not model.  Her site has videos and photos of her, if she is trying to promote herself this is the wrong way to do it seriously. Many people who know this woman has contacted the Detroit Authorities. As well a man who has slept with her says her name is Jackie and he has contracted the virus from this woman. If true or not this is not cool AIDS is serious and needs not to be played with in any matter. So pass on this article to friends, family ect.

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