Woman Exercised Sick Husband to Death

Chris Mason was accused of recklessly exercising her frail husband to death. Ohio authorities suspected the transgendered woman was looking to cash in on her husband’s retirement benefits. She’s facing up to 5 years in prison.



The Coast Guard says it has found a person clinging to an overturned boat off Florida’s Gulf Coast but did not confirm whether it is the one missing with two NFL players aboard.

(CNN) — The Coast Guard narrowed the search for three missing boaters, including two NFL players, after a fourth man was found clinging to their overturned fishing boat Monday afternoon.

“We now know we are looking for persons in the water, not a boat,” said Coast Guard Capt. Tim Close.

Nick Schuyler, a former University of South Florida football player, was the only person still with the small fishing boat when the Coast Guard Cutter Tornado came across it Monday, Close said.

Schuyler told his rescuers that the boat was anchored Saturday evening when it was overturned by waves during a storm, Close said.

He told them that all four men were clinging to the boat for a time, but became separated, Close said.

Still missing Monday afternoon were Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper and NFL free agent Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions for the past three seasons. Also missing is William Bleakley, a former University of South Florida football player.

UPDATE: One of the boaters found alive the name of the boater is Nick Schuyler

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CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP)—The Coast Guard was searching off Florida’s Gulf Coast on Sunday for a fishing boat carrying NFL players Corey Smith and Marquis Cooper and two other men missing nearly a day in choppy seas.

Smith and Cooper were on a 21-foot vessel that left Clearwater Pass for a fishing trip Saturday morning and did not return as expected, the Coast Guard said Sunday. Crews used a helicopter and a 47-foot boat to search a 750-square mile area west of Clearwater Pass, but poor weather made the search difficult. Officials did not receive a distress signal from the missing craft.

Cooper owns the boat and he and Smith have been on fishing trips before, said Ron Del Duca, Smith’s agent. The pair had been teammates on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2004. Two others were aboard: Will Bleakley and Nick Schuyler, both former University of South Florida players.

Coast Guard Capt. Timothy M. Close said the weather early Saturday had been fair, but worsened toward the evening as a front still battering the area moved in. The National Weather Service said seas were about 2 to 4 feet Saturday morning and increased to 3 to 5 feet in the afternoon. Late Saturday night, a small craft advisory was issued, when winds were around 20 knots and seas were up to 7 feet or more. There were no thunderstorms in the area.Read full report and story

Woman with 2 wombs delivers twins


MARQUETTE, Michigan (AP) — A Michigan woman with two wombs has given birth to twin daughters — one from each uterus.

Twenty-one-year-old Sarah Reinfelder’s babies were delivered seven weeks premature Thursday by Caesarean section at Marquette General Hospital in the Upper Peninsula, The Mining Journal and WLUC-TV reported.

“I’m so excited,” Reinfelder said after the twins were born. “I couldn’t sleep at all. … I was just thinking about the girls and how I was so happy they were healthy because nobody really knew what to expect.”

Doctors said Kaylin Joy and Valerie Marie were healthy, and they and their mother were doing fine. Kaylin, who was delivered first, weighed 3 pounds, 15 ounces, and Valerie weighed 4 pounds, 15 ounces. Read full story


Sex offender William A. Baldwin moved into Tammy’s neighborhood last summer. Shortly after he got there, neighbors began circulating flyers telling people of Willaim Baldwin’s criminal past.

And when Tammy got the flyer – all heck broke loose. Here’s how the AP is reporting it:

.On June 19th, Gibson, an area resident, went to Baldwin’s house in the 1800 block of River Road and asked for him.

When Baldwin stepped outside, she claimed she was going to kill him because Baldwin had molested her children. Gibson then proceeded to hit Baldwin repeatedly with her bat, the document said, leaving him with an injured arm.

“I kept swingin’ and swingin’, and swingin’,” Gibson told investigators.

Contrary to what she had said to Baldwin, Gibson later told investigators Baldwin had not molested her children.

She did say, however, that when she saw the flyer, she recognized Baldwin as the man who had chatted up her then-10-year-old daughter during the previous summer. It may have been Baldwin’s unusual height of 7 feet 3 inches that made him memorable.

“For him to be right there, in front of my house and talking to my child — made me crazy,” she said.

“And I told him I thought he was a piece of crap and I smacked him,” she said. “I just didn’t stop hitting him. I just told him that ‘if it were up to me, I’d kill ya.”‘


Talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw says she may have to prove she can handle the load, or else have hospital officials withhold her newborn octuplets.

McGraw said the 33-year-old unemployed mother called him Tuesday, distraught that Kaiser Permanente officials told her they were concerned about the babies living at her home in suburban Los Angeles.

“What she is telling me is that unless and until she has a better living arrangement, that they are not likely to release the children to her,” McGraw told the Los Angeles Times.



The lawyer who represented the man accused of slaying Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson’s three relatives withdrew today as his attorney.

Joshua Kutnick said he believes William Balfour is innocent but cannot financially support such a high-profile case alone.

“It’s the kind of case that involves intense hours,” Kutnick said after speaking with Balfour’s mother. “I was gathering all resources, but I couldn’t finance it.” Balfour, 27, is expected to be appointed a lawyer from the public defender’s later this afternoon, Kutnick said.

Balfour is charged with killing the mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew of Hudson’s in Englewood last October.

Balfour is the estranged husband of Hudson’s sister Julia.