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DMX at the 79th Annual Academy Awards Children...
Image via Wikipedia

Some people just can’t catch a break. Rapper and actor DMX was just released from jail a little over two weeks ago. Coming home hasn’t exactly been ideal, as DMX and his wife,Tashera Simmons, have now separated.  Earl Simmons (that’s his real name) was arrested in Phoenix for bail violation earlier this year. He was on probation for verbally threatening a guard during his jail sentence last year for drug possession, animal cruelty and theft.

The now ex-couple was married in 1999 and while it’s admirable that she’s stuck around for all the trouble – and there’s been plenty – her next course of action seems a bit… off. She’s planning a new reality TV series, which will show her putting her life back together with their four children post-split. The show will explain how they’ve coped “with a husband and a father that has let them down over and over again.”

She’s also writing a tell-all book about her life with DMX. Do you hear that sound? We thought we heard something that sounded like Ka-ching!

Source VH1

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Pam Grier new book!Foxy: My Life in Three Acts…. she talks about going down on Richard Pryor and how numb her mouth was afterwards

Pam Grier new Memoir is hot, raw and uncut she leaves no stones unturned in this book. This is what she say’s in the book:

He said, “Pam, I want to tell you about an epidemic that’s prevalent in Beverly Hills right now. It’s a buildup of cocaine residue around the cervix and in the vagina. You have it. Are you doing drugs?”

“No,” I said, astonished.

“Well, it’s really dangerous,” he went on. “Is your partner putting cocaine on his penis to sustain his erection?”

“No,” I said, “not that I know of. It’s not like he has a pile of cocaine next to the bed and he dips his penis in it before we have sex.” I had a nauseating flash of one of Richard’s famous lines: Even my dick has a cocaine jones.

“Are you sure he isn’t doing it in the bathroom before he comes to bed?” the doctor asked.

“That’s a possibility,” I said.

“You know, I am dating Richard Pryor.”

“Oh, my God,” he said. “We have a serious problem here. If he’s not putting it on his skin directly, then it’s worse because the coke is in his seminal fluid.”

The doctor then asks her if her mouth went numb while performing oral sex on Pryor, which she says it did, and which he links to the Novocaine-like effects of cocaine.