Mike O Mag: Oct 2012 Issue Breast Cancer Awareness

I really like this magazine called Mike O Mag it’s informational and beautiful, sometimes we get caught up in other magazines with celebs in them that we forget what’s important. Breast Cancer is personal to me, because I have had several family members who have had to fight this battle some won and some have lost there battle. So in honor of my aunt,family members and women who have beat cancer, who have fallen victim to it and women who will be diagnose with it. We celebrate you for your courage and for not giving up! “Life is the most beautiful thing we have to always stay humble and keep the faith no matter what our situation maybe. Check out this great magazine if you haven’t already on the cover is beautiful model and Journalist Darlene Boyd. Let’s celebrate life for us and others! See Mike O Mag here!

R.I.P Aunt Terry love you and miss you so much♥

Mel B’s topless campaign for breast cancer awareness

Melanie Brown, a.k.a. Spice Girl Mel B, has never been shy when it comes to cleavage. (Fun fact: there is an entire Facebook group dedicated to her cleavage. Alas, it only has nine members.) But she’s taken her love of “boobs” to a whole new level, going topless in a new campaign to promote breast cancer awareness.

The picture you see to your right is featured in the latest UK edition of Cosmopolitan. Joined by her husband Stephen Belafonte, Scary Spice replicates Janet Jackson’s legendary Rolling Stone cover for the charity CoppaFeel!, in advance of October’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. In one word… Spicy!

But it’s the accompanying interview that’s particularly interesting and full of fun tidbits about Mel B and the Spice Girls themselves. We highlight three things we learned.

Inspiring Story of A Cancer Survior….

“GOD FAITH PASSION: The bald and bandage lady was me mid Jan 2012. I had a double mastectomy, Stage 3b cancer, and a 50/50 chance of survival. Today, this is me w the big smile, implants, and a second chance of living. You ask me can I stand the rain?? Yes..and floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, and any other storm! U hear me?!! …Thank you Lord for strength of super heroes to fight. Thank you Jesus for another year of my life Thank you everyone for your support!” —Coqueace Koco Powell co founder of Sexy after 30.

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Elizabeth Edwards, 61, dies after long struggle with cancer

Amplify’d from www.cnn.com

Elizabeth Edwards, 61, dies after long struggle with cancer

(CNN) — Elizabeth Edwards, the estranged wife of 2004 vice presidential candidate and former North Carolina senator John Edwards, died Tuesday after a lengthy battle with cancer. She was 61.

She died at the family home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, according to a statement released by the family.

“Today we have lost the comfort of Elizabeth’s presence but she remains the heart of this family,” the statement said. “We love her and will never know anyone more inspiring or full of life.”

Edwards was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after her husband lost his bid for vice president in November 2004. John Edwards, a one-term Democratic senator, was Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry’s running mate.

It was later revealed that she knew before the election she might have cancer, but shielded her husband from the news during the campaign. She immediately underwent treatment, and the cancer was believed to be in remission.

In March 2007 — at the start her husband’s 2008 presidential campaign — Edwards learned that the cancer had returned and spread.

Dr. Lisa Carey, the oncologist treating Edwards, categorized the cancer as metastatic stage four cancer, largely confined to the bones.

The cancer was diagnosed treatable but not curable, Edwards said.

Despite the diagnosis, Edwards said she was ready to go forward with her husband’s bid for the White House.

“Either you push forward with the things that you were doing yesterday or you start dying,” she said. “If I had given up everything that my life was about … I’d let cancer win before it needed to.”

“Maybe eventually it will win,” she said. “But I’d let it win before I needed to.”

John Edwards, unable to compete with the attention focused on then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, withdrew from the presidential race in January 2008.

Several months later, he admitted that tabloid claims about an extramarital affair with former campaign videographer Rielle Hunter were true. Eventually, he also admitted to fathering a child with Hunter — an allegation he initially vociferously denied even after conceding the affair.

John Edwards said the affair happened in 2006 while his wife’s cancer was in remission. He claimed he informed his wife at the time and asked for her forgiveness.

The couple was criticized by some activists for not revealing the affair prior to his presidential bid, as the news could have damaged Democratic chances if it became publicly known during a general election campaign in which John Edwards was the party’s standard bearer.

“This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well,” Elizabeth Edwards said.

The affair appeared to end any future political ambitions the former senator may have had. It also led to the couple’s separation.

Elizabeth Edwards was born Mary Elizabeth Anania on July 3, 1949, in Jacksonville, Florida. Her father was a Navy pilot, and in her early years, she attended school in Japan.

She attended the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and met her future husband while studying at UNC’s law school.

They spent their first date dancing at a local Holiday Inn, and it ended with John kissing Elizabeth on the forehead.

“It was just really sweet,” she said of the kiss. “I wasn’t used to men being sweet.”

The couple was married July 30, 1977, the Saturday after they took their state bar exams. They had four children: Wade, Cate, Emma Claire, and Jack. Wade Edwards was killed in a car accident in 1996.

Mrs. Edwards worked as a clerk for U.S. District Judge Calvitt Clarke Jr. in Norfolk, Virginia, and was a bankruptcy lawyer in Raleigh.

In 2006, after her initial cancer diagnosis, she wrote “Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength from Friends and Strangers,” which chronicled the aftermath of her son’s death and her battle with the disease.

Read more at www.cnn.com


Sad Elizabeth Edwards gravely ill with cancer

This is so sad I am praying for her and family….

Amplify’d from news.yahoo.com

Elizabeth Edwards gravely ill with cancer

WASHINGTON – Elizabeth Edwards is gravely ill and doctors have told her she only has weeks to live, according to a family friend who is among those who have gathered with Edwards at her North Carolina home.

The family issued a statement Monday that said doctors have told her that further treatment for her cancer would be unproductive, and the family friend further described Edwards’ condition to The Associated Press.

The friend said Edwards was briefly hospitalized last week and received treatment, but doctors have now told her that she may only have up to a couple months of life left. The friend spoke on condition of anonymity because of the personal details divulged.

Edwards’ estranged husband, former presidential candidate John Edwards, and their three children were at her side at the Chapel Hill home, the friend reported. Her sister, brother, nieces, nephews, former campaign advisers and other friends were also there. The friend said Elizabeth Edwards is not in pain and in good spirits despite the seriousness of her condition.

Edwards, a popular figure among Democratic activists as she campaigned with her husband in two presidential bids, posted on her Facebook page that she can’t express the love and gratitude she feels to those who’ve supported and inspired her.

“The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered,” she wrote. “We know that. And yes, there are certainly times when we aren’t able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It’s called being human. But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful.”

The 61-year-old Edwards separated from her husband after he admitted to an extramarital affair and fathering a child with a campaign videographer. Edwards has battled breast cancer since 2004, diagnosed in the final days of the campaign when her husband was the Democratic vice presidential nominee.

The John Kerry-John Edwards ticket lost to incumbent President George W. Bush. John Edwards launched a second bid for the White House in 2007. The Edwardses decided to continue the campaign after doctors told Elizabeth that her cancer had spread, but he lost the nomination to Barack Obama.

Edwards was more than a political spouse. She was chief adviser and strategist to her husband’s campaigns for the Senate and later for the presidency. After retreating from public life as their marriage crumbled, she emerged to advocate for changes in the country’s health care system while grappling with her own disease.

The Edwardses met in law school. Daughter Cate has followed her parents into a career in law while son Wade was killed in a traffic accident when he was 16. Elizabeth Edwards had two more children later, giving birth to Emma Claire at age 48 and Jack at 50.

(This version CORRECTS Elizabeth’s age when she gave birth to children.)

Read more at news.yahoo.com


Watch Stand Up to Cancer 2010 Tonight On Vue TV LIVE…. Read Details

SU2C Logo
Image via Wikipedia

Stand up To Cancer 2010, a one-hour telethon, will be on virtually every channel tonight as celebrities come together to raise money for cancer research.

Actor Michael Douglas be joined on the broadcast by other celebrity cancer survivors, including Christina Applegate, Lance Armstrong, and Elizabeth Edwards.

Douglas, 65, was recently diagnosed with stage IV throat cancer and is undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.

“It’s a fight,” he told People magazine. “It really knocks you out.” Since its launch in 2008, the “Stand Up To Cancer” campaign has raised more than $100 million. –CBS

Watch Tonight on Vue TV LIVE

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Look what god can do… read this amazing story

How good god is….

Amplify’d from bossip.com

Terminal Cancer Reunites Hospice Nurse With Dad… After 41 Years!!!

Wanda Rodriguez victor peraza

A remarkable twist of fate reunited a dying cancer patient with the daughter he hadn’t seen in 41 years at the Bronx hospice where she is a nurse.

Victor Peraza arrived at Calvary Hospital 10 days ago, to the only available bed – on nurse Wanda Rodriguez’ unit.

The new patient bore the same name as Rodriguez’ father, who left her family when she was an infant.

“I got nervous, very anxious, and I said, ‘Oh my God that’s my father’s name … what chance is there it’s my dad?’” Rodriguez recounted yesterday.

It turned out that patient and nurse are indeed father and daughter.

“It was a miracle,” Peraza said, as his newfound child patted his arm and stroked his head. “She’s right here beside me.”

He noted theirs is the most bittersweet of reunions.

“When you have on one hand dealing with a terminal affliction and on the other you have happiness, you meet someone you always wanted to meet, it’s a hard pill to swallow,” said Peraza, who lay in his bed, in a beige hospital gown, nodding off from painkillers from time to time.

“I want to jump for joy for her presence, that she accepts me.”

For her whole life, a tearful Rodriguez said, “I always dreamed of saying ‘Daddy’ to someone … I never got to pick out a Father’s Day card.”

Her parents married young, had two daughters, and split up. She never saw Peraza again. Her mother, Esther, raised her and her older sister Gina in the Bronx, working for the Postal Service. Peraza moved to Queens. He worked in banking.

Last Wednesday night, Peraza was transferred from Mount Sinai Hospital in Queens to the hospice.

After she heard his name, Rodriguez entered his room to welcome him to the hospital, and couldn’t stop herself from asking him if he had any children.

“I said, ‘I have Gina and Wanda, they’re grown now,’” Peraza recalled.

“When he said my name I lost it,” said Rodriguez, choking up. Then she told him, “I’m Wanda, I’m your daughter.”

“She looked in my eyes and I said, ‘That’s my daughter Wanda,’ and I think I let some tears out,” said Peraza. “After a couple of hours, a couple of days, it started to sink in, and I got emotional.”

So did Rodriguez.

“He begged me to forgive him,” she said. “He said he wasn’t a good father. I held his hand and embraced him and kissed him, and he started to sing This Magic Moment.

“I forgive him because I’ve wanted to meet him all these years. I don’t know how long he has left.”

Peraza thought he would die alone, but now he has his children and grandchildren with him. Rodriguez’ three kids made him cards crayoned with “I love you.”

He said he is proud Rodriguez became a nurse.

She comes a few hours before her shift starts to take care of him, bringing the rice and beans, fried plantains and chocolate egg creams he loves.

“It’s a miracle, it’s God, it’s fate, it’s hope,” Peraza said as his daughter beamed.

Read more at bossip.com

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Oral Sex Can Lead To Oral Cancer In Men & Oral Sex Can Also Cause Women To Have Recurrent Yeast Infections

Image by perpetualplum via Flickr

Oral Sex Can Lead To Oral Cancer

Close to 36 thousand Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year.

Today more and more dentists are checking for it during a patient’s regular dental cleaning. Thanks to these checks, some people like Norma Regueira can now call themselves oral cancer survivors. Regueira was a serious smoker, which most likely caused her cancer.

In recent years doctors and dentists have noticed an increased connection between oral sex and oral cancer. This type of oral cancer is more prevalent in men.

HPV infection drives cancerous growth in the cervix but unlike cervical cancer, this type of oral cancer is more prevalent in men, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. Experts say that’s a real wake up call for people.

Between 12 thousand and 15 thousand new cases of oropharyngeal cancer are diagnosed each year; about three thousand people a year die from it.

“You have to insist that your dentist do oral cancer screenings every year,” said Dr. Grisel Martos.

Martos uses a special light after a patient rinses their mouth with a vinegar like solution to detect any precancerous cells.

Oral cancers cause over eight thousand deaths annually; killing roughly one person per hour 24 hours per day. Of those 36 thousand newly diagnosed individuals, only about half will be alive in 5 years.

The death rate associated with this cancer is particularly high not because it is hard to discover or diagnose, but due to the cancer being routinely discovered late in its development.

Oral Sex Increases the Risk of Recurrent Vaginal Yeast Infections Among Women

This report states that women who have recurrent yeast infections may be infected by oral sex, not by re-infection by their male partners.  The risk of developing multiple episodes of itching and burning from yeast was higher in women who receive oral sex.   Receiving oral sex had an association with increased risk of recurrent yeast infections at a three times higher rate.  Thus oral sex may increase a woman’s risk of developing symptoms if she is carrying Candida and her immune system interacts with her partner’s saliva, resulting in a yeast infection.

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For every Tweet saying #beatcancer there will be donation for cancer research so get to tweeting on Twitter. You can join thousands of people now on Twitter in this fight time is still ticking so if you haven’t tweeted today now is the chance. You can also visit this site here to help you tweet the message to Twitter. Cancer takes millions of lives every year lets find a cure you guys join the fight now! Visit this site please

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