Mike O Mag: Oct 2012 Issue Breast Cancer Awareness

I really like this magazine called Mike O Mag it’s informational and beautiful, sometimes we get caught up in other magazines with celebs in them that we forget what’s important. Breast Cancer is personal to me, because I have had several family members who have had to fight this battle some won and some have lost there battle. So in honor of my aunt,family members and women who have beat cancer, who have fallen victim to it and women who will be diagnose with it. We celebrate you for your courage and for not giving up! “Life is the most beautiful thing we have to always stay humble and keep the faith no matter what our situation maybe. Check out this great magazine if you haven’t already on the cover is beautiful model and Journalist Darlene Boyd. Let’s celebrate life for us and others! See Mike O Mag here!

R.I.P Aunt Terry love you and miss you so much♥

Track The Spread Of AIDS Across The Globe

Its expansion was frighteningly fast. A handful of AIDS cases were first recognized in the U.S. at the beginning of the 1980s. But AIDS was soon seen around the world.

By 1990, the world had a pandemic on its hands. In 1997, the peak of the epidemic, more than 3 million people became newly infected with HIV.

Then science struck back. Drugs approved for HIV treatment in the mid-1990s proved profoundly effective, transforming AIDS from a death sentence to a chronic illness. Those treatments, combined with an international commitment to manage the disease by providing access to free drug therapy, led to a steep drop in new HIV infections.

The United Nations has kept track of HIV worldwide for the past couple of decades. Below, we use that data to explore some of the trends in HIV prevalence. (The chart shows the percentage of the population, ages 15 to 49, living with HIV.)



NSFW! KATT STACKS IS INFECTED WITH HEPATITIS… and she shows her real juice box online… WTF

Now there has been circling around that Kat Stacks has HIV Virus, now the truth is she does has Hepatitis see evidence below….

Hepatitis C is a viral disease that leads to swelling (inflammation)
of the liver. Many people who are infected with hepatitis C do not
have symptoms.

Also she get’s mad that someone showed her juice box, before she had a chance to… but she says that was not her juice box it was someone else… and in her words “Somebody out there really got it bad for me, But I’m Unstoppable! get use to it cause I’ma be around for a while.” So here is her JUICEBOX VIDEO

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Watch Stand Up to Cancer 2010 Tonight On Vue TV LIVE…. Read Details

SU2C Logo
Image via Wikipedia

Stand up To Cancer 2010, a one-hour telethon, will be on virtually every channel tonight as celebrities come together to raise money for cancer research.

Actor Michael Douglas be joined on the broadcast by other celebrity cancer survivors, including Christina Applegate, Lance Armstrong, and Elizabeth Edwards.

Douglas, 65, was recently diagnosed with stage IV throat cancer and is undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.

“It’s a fight,” he told People magazine. “It really knocks you out.” Since its launch in 2008, the “Stand Up To Cancer” campaign has raised more than $100 million. –CBS

Watch Tonight on Vue TV LIVE

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Snoop Dog says his daughter is winning the fight aganist lupus…read on

Snoop Dogg
Image via Wikipedia

Snoop Dogg says his daughter Cori is winning her battle with the chronic disease lupus since she was diagnosed with it about five years ago and that it brought his family closer together.

“She’s the toughest little thing I’ve ever met,” Snoop Dogg toldPeople magazine. “She’s on the honor roll, playing volleyball and softball, living life. She has all this joy. In the beginning lupus was winning. But now Cori is.”

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Oral Sex Can Lead To Oral Cancer In Men & Oral Sex Can Also Cause Women To Have Recurrent Yeast Infections

Image by perpetualplum via Flickr

Oral Sex Can Lead To Oral Cancer

Close to 36 thousand Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year.

Today more and more dentists are checking for it during a patient’s regular dental cleaning. Thanks to these checks, some people like Norma Regueira can now call themselves oral cancer survivors. Regueira was a serious smoker, which most likely caused her cancer.

In recent years doctors and dentists have noticed an increased connection between oral sex and oral cancer. This type of oral cancer is more prevalent in men.

HPV infection drives cancerous growth in the cervix but unlike cervical cancer, this type of oral cancer is more prevalent in men, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. Experts say that’s a real wake up call for people.

Between 12 thousand and 15 thousand new cases of oropharyngeal cancer are diagnosed each year; about three thousand people a year die from it.

“You have to insist that your dentist do oral cancer screenings every year,” said Dr. Grisel Martos.

Martos uses a special light after a patient rinses their mouth with a vinegar like solution to detect any precancerous cells.

Oral cancers cause over eight thousand deaths annually; killing roughly one person per hour 24 hours per day. Of those 36 thousand newly diagnosed individuals, only about half will be alive in 5 years.

The death rate associated with this cancer is particularly high not because it is hard to discover or diagnose, but due to the cancer being routinely discovered late in its development.

Oral Sex Increases the Risk of Recurrent Vaginal Yeast Infections Among Women

This report states that women who have recurrent yeast infections may be infected by oral sex, not by re-infection by their male partners.  The risk of developing multiple episodes of itching and burning from yeast was higher in women who receive oral sex.   Receiving oral sex had an association with increased risk of recurrent yeast infections at a three times higher rate.  Thus oral sex may increase a woman’s risk of developing symptoms if she is carrying Candida and her immune system interacts with her partner’s saliva, resulting in a yeast infection.

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