Gregory Collins Kills Coworker Anthony Lamont Hill, Drags Body 10 Miles Behind Truck….. could this be a hate crime

Gregory Collins, 19, and Anthony Hill, 30, were coworkers at the Louis Rich plant in Newberry, South Carolina. It seems they’d spent most of Tuesday together. But by the wee hours of yesterday morning, something had gone very wrong…

Police still don’t know why, but Collins decided to shoot Anthony in the head at his trailer home in Pomaria. Anthony appears to have died instantly.

Collins carried the body outside, used a rope to tie it to his truck, then went for a drive. The body wasn’t freed until the rope broke nearly 11 miles later. A passing motorist discovered Anthony’s body at 4:30 a.m.

Since he’s a trailer park goober, Collins apparently never considered that all that blood would leave a trail for police straight back to his home. They banged on Collins’ door, but he refused to come out. Since he was considered armed and degenerate, a three-hour standoff ensued. Police finally smoked him from the trailer using tear gas.

Detectives found a selection of high-powered rifles in the house, but they still don’t know the reason for the murder. According to Anthony’s landlord, he was as likable as they come. “He’s been very responsible, very polite, very responsive, when he comes to pay he was always on time,” Kay Porter told WIS-TV.

Local police have called in the feds to investigate whether it was a hate crime, but we’re guessing that won’t come to anything — at least from the information we have now. The two men apparently knew each other for months, worked together and seemed to be friends.

Unless they can prove Collins was plotting to kill Anthony all this time solely for his race, it seems this is nothing more than a goober gone wild — with Anthony paying the consequences.