Live off Groupon and win $100k read details…..

Now this website sounds interesting enough to try, you have to give up your apt, job, possibble car if you have one and boyfriend or girlfriend as well…. I’m just throwing some of those things out there. These are the details here:

First, say goodbye to your routine, your apartment, and your signed photo of Elvis punching Nixon. You’ll end your lease and put your stuff in storage. You’ll close your bank account, cut up your credit cards, and put your money in escrow. You’ll have nothing but a stack of Groupons and a suit of clothes made from Groupons.

We’ll give you a camera, phone, GPS, and computer to document your experience. We’ll expect you to blog most days. We’ll also give you unlimited Groupons in any of our 30 cities, including Groupons for lodging and transportation and special Groupons for cities that don’t exist yet.

If you last a year without breaking the rules, we’ll give you $100,000. Read more on who should apply and other things you should know before signing up

Sounds good to you then get on over to there site and apply to win. Groupon!