
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, Welcome to another Sunday Edition of SUNDAY’S POST IN ONE BLOG: ON THE `10.But I had to drop it down to 5, just because there’s not so much news going around during the holidays… I am so pleased to bring you these stories & videos this morning…..THESE ARE WHAT’S POSTING TODAY…THE LINKS & VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE IF NEED BE.


Here’s what’s in the book:

“From the moment Barack decided to campaign for the presidency, Michelle said it was essential that Oprah be brought onboard,” said the source.

“After Oprah gave her support to Barack, she and Michele grew very close. They have a lot in common and Michelle quickly became part of Oprah’s very small inner circle.”

“As she came to have more influence over Oprah, Gayle King started to feel as though she was being pushed out.”

“Gayle has been Oprah’s closest confidante for most of her life, and she couldn’t believe she was being replaced. To make matters worse, Michelle deliberately excluded Gayle from conversations and plans.”

“Gayle was so hurt, she went to Barack to plead her case, hoping he’d rein Michelle in. He listened, but there was no way he could or would interfere. And now Oprah is angry with Gayle because she can’t see what all the fuss is about.”

2#LeBron James blasts Charles Barkley

CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron James reacted strongly to Charles Barkley’s comments that the Cavaliers star isn’t showing respect for Cleveland fans and his teammates by discussing his possible free agency following the 2010 season.

“He’s stupid. That’s all I’ve got to say about that,” James said Friday night before the Cavaliers’ game against Golden State.

Barkley made the comments on TNT’s NBA studio show and Dan Patrick’s radio show.

“If I was LeBron James, I would shut the hell up,” the Hall of Famer said on Patrick’s show. “I’m a big LeBron fan. He’s a stud. You gotta give him his props. I’m getting so annoyed he’s talking about what he’s going to do in two years. I think it’s disrespectful to the game. I think it’s disrespectful to the Cavaliers.”

James, under contract for two more seasons, was bombarded with questions about his future when the Cavaliers visited New York to play the Knicks on Tuesday night. Read full story……

3# Teen rapper killed rival over song lyrics on internet

A teenage rapper called Danger who killed a rival with a lump of masonry because he had insulted him in a song faces years in prison.

Iyke Nmezu, 16, collapsed and died two weeks after 18-year-old Liam Palmer smashed a jagged piece of cement into his face in a north London street in a row over lyrics posted on the internet.

Doctors failed to spot he had a fractured skull and a brain abscess, and prescribed him painkillers.

At the Old Bailey, Palmer, who is the brother of Leyton Orient footballer Aiden Palmer, appeared for sentencing after he pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

His other brother Daryl, 20, sat beside him in the dock, having admitted giving his younger sibling a false alibi.

Mark Dennis QC, prosecuting, explained the incident took place in February, in High Street, Ponders End.

Palmer approached the victim, annoyed about some lyrics on the internet he thought were directed towards him, with the two becoming involved in an argument and then a physical confrontation.Read full story…….

4# Wal-Mart shoppers who trampled NY worker

NEW YORK (AP) – Police were reviewing video from surveillance cameras in an attempt to identify who trampled to death a Wal-Mart worker after a crowd of post-Thanksgiving shoppers burst through the doors at a suburban store and knocked him down.

Criminal charges were possible, but identifying individual shoppers in Friday’s video may prove difficult, said Detective Lt. Michael Fleming, a Nassau County police spokesman.

Other workers were trampled as they tried to rescue the man, and customers stepped over him and became irate when officials said the store was closing because of the death, police and witnesses said.

At least four other people, including a woman who was eight months pregnant, were taken to hospitals for observation or minor injuries. The store in Valley Stream on Long Island closed for several hours before reopening.Read full story……….


Amy Winehouse’s hubby just made a slew of shocking confessions, pretty much admitting he’s the sole reason she’s a drug-riddled trainwreck — and it’s all on audio tape.

In a mea culpa to Britain’s News of the World, Blake Fielder-Civil says he takes full blame for Amy’s demons, stating, “I introduced her to heroin, crack cocaine and self-harming. I feel more than guilty — now I have to let her go to save her life. I am not abandoning her. I am doing this out of love.”

Blake also recounted how they hit rock bottom in the summer of 2007, when Amy almost died in front of him. He confessed, “I was there when Amy suffered her first seizure. I still break down thinking about it. We had been taking drugs all day long – heroin and crack.”

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