12-Year-Old Cousin of Slain Teen Hailed as a Hero by Obama Fatally Shot

“I knew he was going to pull through,” he told WATE. “It broke my heart 30 minutes later when they came out and told me my son was dead. The only thing that came to my mind was, who did this?”

Police are still gathering information and do not have any suspects at this time. They are asking anyone with information on the shooting to call Knoxville Police Department’s crime information line at (865) 215-7212.screen_shot_20160418_at_8.38.00_am.png.CROP.rtstory-large.38.00_am


via 12-Year-Old Cousin of Slain Teen Hailed as a Hero by Obama Fatally Shot

Fark Top 10 Interesting News Headlines…Vampires+Sandusky+Masturbating ect.

Every morning I will be posting cool and interesting headlines from Fark… Top 10 Fark Headlines….


1.FTFA: Generally speaking, “walking back and forth masturbating in the driveway, the front yard and between the trucks” is not a socially acceptable practice

2.Who says theres a problem with parenting today? Mom and daughter have a night of Arts and Craps

3.Sandusky’s laughably inept lawyer fails to prevent him from getting wrestled into soapy submission on the first day of his trial

4.Never mind the cannibals, now it’s vampires

5. Man attempts to kill his housekeeper because she wouldn’t polish his knob.

6.Family net worth plummets nearly 40%

7.♫ I shot the sheriff ♫ And I did it legally in Indiana ♫

8.Dingo ate my baby

9.Mother-of-two disfigured by seven tumors on her face says, “Tumor would benign”

10.Don’t accuse someone of stealing your car keys unless you’re very certain that he has your car keys, and also that he won’t beat you to death and rape one of your friends after the accusation

Car thief who was high on drugs and masturbating when he plowed into Portland crime scene will not have to register as sex offender

Oregon Live|  A man who was intoxicated and masturbating to pornography when he drove a stolen car through the crime scene tape surrounding the homicide of a teen-age boy last year will not have to register as a sex offender.

Judge Michael McShane  said Friday that he thought mental illness — not sexual motivations — led Kevin Signalness  to a new low on April 18, 2011.

That’s the night several police officers saw Signalness, 41, plow into the area they had cordoned off to investigate the death of Shiloh Hampton,  14, who had been fatally wounded on a sidewalk in Northeast Portland’s Holladay Park, just south of Lloyd Center shopping mall. When one of the officers confronted Signalness about his masturbation and the pornography on the front passenger seat, Signalness reportedly replied “You caught me red-handed.”

NEWS:Federal Government Working To Deem Bath Salt Ingredients Illegal | Vibe

Looks like the zombie invasion is over before it even began! Methylene dioxypyrovalerone—the main ingredient used in the street drug “Bath Salts” that made one Miami man eat off the face of another man—will soon be illegal, if the federal government have their way.

According to CBC News, The drug started popping up in Canada a few years ago. Users typically snort, smoke or inject the drug, and experience effects sim

ilar to the kind of high users get using amphetamines.

It’s also being reported that bath salts contain amphetamine-type stimulants including MDPV, which is currently not regulated under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. It is considered a synthetic cathinone, chemically similar to what occurs naturally in the khat plant.

Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced Tuesday that the government will list MDPV on Schedule 1 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. That’s the same category as heroin and cocaine, and regulating it will make possessing, trafficking, importing, exporting and producing MDPV illegal, unless authorized. She said in a statement, “This will make it harder for people to deal in or even manufacture these so-called bath salts.”

Now don’t get confused with the “bath salts” you see in your bathroom closet. Aglukkaq also states that, “These are not typical household bath salts, they are not the Epsom salts or the scented crystals that you will find in many Canadian homes and pharmacies. These are drugs, serious drugs.”

The public will have until July 10 to comment on the proposal to ban MDPV and the government says unless new evidence about the chemical comes to light, it will be illegal by this fall. It is already banned here in the United States and other countries.

Mother drowns twins in retaliation for husband’s cheating

A vindictive mother who suspected her husband of cheating on her drowned their twins and attempted to suffocate their 4-year-old sister in their Tacony, Philadelphia home.

Stacey Smalls, 41, is charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of her 18-month-old twins, Adam and Eve, by drowning one and smothering the other.

Smalls is believed to have committed the homicides in a jealous rage after discovering her husband had cheated on her.

The murders were committed on Thursday, before Ron Smalls returned home from work as a corrections officer.

Ron Smalls dialed 911 after discovering the bodies of his babies on a bed in the front room, and his wife still alive after she slashed her wrists in a suicide attempt.

One of the notes found near the babies bodies read: “This is why I killed your kids,” — along with detailed allegations about her husband’s affair.

“She had something she felt was justification but there is no justification,” Police Commissioner Charles Ramsay said. “It’s a tragedy two young babies dead and there is no excuse for that.”

In recent days, Ron updated his Facebook page with pictures of his daughters and the caption: “Sisters, what a beautiful thing.”

But on Wednesday, a day before she went berserk, Stacey wrote under the picture: “Really, sisters what a beautiful thing. I guess it depends on which sister,” a not-so-veiled reference to Ron’s mistress.

Stacey also updated Facebook with a random photo of a car that was vandalized with spray paint to read “I hope she was worth it.”

During happier, Dopamine-fueled times, Stacey updated her Facebook page with an announcement of marriage to Ron Smalls on Dec. 17, 2010.

But on May 19, once the Dopamine ran out, Stacey updated her status to read: ‘divorced.’

New Evidence Released In Trayvon Martin Case May Complicate Public Debate (UPDATE)

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — When George Zimmerman tries to convince a judge or jury that he shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense, the evidence he’ll be able to call on appears to be a mixed bag.

More than 200 pages of photos and eyewitness accounts released by prosecutors Thursday show Zimmerman and Martin were in a loud and bloody fight in the moments leading up to the shooting and that Zimmerman appeared to be getting the worst of it, with wounds both to his face and the back of his head.

But the original lead detective in the case believed Zimmerman caused the fight by getting out of his vehicle to confront Martin, who wasn’t doing anything criminal, and then could have defused the situation by telling Martin he was just a concerned citizen and tried to talk to him. He didn’t think Zimmerman could legally invoke Florida’s “stand your ground” law and should be charged with manslaughter.

Under that law, people are given wide latitude to use deadly force rather than retreat in a fight if they believe they are in danger of being killed or seriously injured, they weren’t committing a crime themselves and are in a place they have the legal right to be. The original prosecutor in the case accepted Zimmerman’s invocation of the law after the Feb. 26 shooting but a special prosecutor rejected his claim last month and charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder. The former neighborhood watch volunteer has pleaded not guilty, has been released on bail and reportedly is in hiding.

He and his attorney will have two more chances to invoke the law. First, they will try to convince a judge during what will be a mini-trial. If the judge agrees, the charges will be dropped although prosecutors could appeal. That is likely months away. If the judge rejects the claim, Zimmerman could they try to convince the jury and win an acquittal. A trial is unlikely to start before next year. Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, didn’t return a phone call seeking comment Thursday from The Associated Press.

Speaking Friday on NBC’s “Today” show, O’Mara said he couldn’t talk about the individual pieces of evidence in the case. But he said that rather than talking about the “what-if’s” — as in what if Zimmerman had stayed in the car — O’Mara said “we have to deal with what happened and try to explain that.”

Joelle Moreno, a Florida International University law school professor, said the evidence now released makes it difficult to predict if a “stand your ground” defense will work. She is a member of a state senator’s task force examining the law. Read More at AP

Could Reality Kings be in trouble over shooting porn with a missing 15 yr old girl…. read on

There has been this rumor or is it true that a 15 year old girl was in a porn video. Reality Kings are the ones behind this whole thing, not sure if it’s really her not sure but lets see. Now I did a little researching NOTE: This is for research not for enjoyment you guys this is a child being exploited.  So here is the results of my resarch the young lady name is Charrida Smalley she also had a friend runaway with her as well which is 14 year old Myah Knighton-Black. She also is home now safe her and her friend, but this case turn to a child pornography case I will not post the video circling on the internet as there is one. Many said she went by the name Bieyanka Moore which you will see below on her missing poster nick name Bieyanka and the also on her twitter page all below. If you decide to go and find the video online be aware that you could be charge for CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. My question is do her friend have a video out as well, I guess we will see. This is so sad this beyond not right they knew she was 15 if this is her how could you not know.

This is her Missing Poster

Bieyanka Moore is the internet celebrity of the day, after some people reported seeing the young star that appeared in an adult movie on a missing children blog.

Soon after the news started spreading and people shared the story on the social networking sites, such as Twitter, a person using various nicknames who said that she is Bieyanka Moore started replying to the posts.

There were even replies on some forums that were posting the story.

The person who was believed to be Bieyanka Moore said that she is aware of the rumor that she was only 15 years old when her adult movie came out but that the rumors are not true.

She also promised that  everything will be set straight soon. All I can say is if this is not her Reality Kings better get to explaining soon, if it is her they have some damn explaining to do.

This is her in an adult film

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Angela Blackwell Charged with Trading Sex with 10-Year-Old Granddaughter for Coke

Angela Blackwell, a 47-year-old grandma from Saginaw, Michigan, is not the knit-the-kids-a-sweater kind. She’s a cokehead who apparently doesn’t have the income to feed her jones. But instead of becoming a coke whore herself, she gave that job to her 10-year-old granddaughter…

Last September, she hit upon the idea to swap sex with grandkid for coke from her dealer, Johnnie Lee Griffin, who apparently prefers his women a little younger than 47. And since Griffin’s 67-years-old, this was a particularly creepy transaction that lasted all the way to February.

It might have kept going had Griffin not decided to molest another 10-year-old. That girl told her mom, who told police, who then stumbled upon Blackwell’s doucherrific barter scheme. +

Police have arrested Blackwell, but when they went to arrest Griffin, he was gone. They found coke in his home, but he hasn’t been heard from since.

Blackwell’s been charged with pandering and criminal sexual conduct, for which she’s looking at 20 years.

Griffin is charged with multiple counts of criminal sexual conduct with a child under age 13, as well as drug possession. He’s looking at a mandatory 25 years.

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