The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kim Zolciak on Kandi’s Loss and Big Papa are they really getting married…read to find out

Essense sits down with Kim Zolciak to see if her and Big Papa are planning to jump the broom, they also ask her about how she feels about Kandi‘s Lost . Read some of it here…

2009-10-14_2359ESSENCE.COM: How is Kandi doing? Have you spoken to her?
I spoke with her mom and texted her just to let her know I’m here. I was one of the first to find out and I called the other ladies. Everybody has been fantastic but it’s unfortunate that it takes a tragedy to bring us all together. We were able to put all our stuff on the back burner and come together for Kandi. It’s not something that I ever thought would happen, no matter how tragic the situation.

ESSENCE.COM: So what’s the scoop? Are you or aren’t you still engaged to Big Papa?
I am not engaged to Big Papa! I got a commitment ring last year and so when I got this new ring, I was led to believe that his divorce was final. Who gives someone a massive rock and makes this commitment if he wasn’t serious? I found out that I was still on the same merry-go-round. If there is one thing I have discovered about myself from doing this show it is that I’m just far too trusting. I’m actually dating someone new and I’m extremely happy. He’s my age, from California and cute as a button. I gave Papa almost four years of my life, so now I’m just trying to move on.

ESSENCE.COM: How’s “Tardy for the Party” doing? It sounds like a breakout hit.
I’m so excited. We’re in the top 100 on iTunes and No. 3 on the dance charts. The single is doing fantastic. The experience was worth a million dollars because Kandi got me through my biggest fear. She can turn dirt into diamonds. She definitely went out on a limb to work with me. I always said I wanted to be a one-hit wonder but I am working on another single.

Read more of this interview about Kim Zolciak it gets real juice…

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More news…..Kim Zolciak get’s an ear full-christian school will suspend student if attends girlfriend prom-4 teens sexaul assault another teen student

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KimĀ  Zolciak off of The Real Housewives of Atlanta get’s a ear full check out the video:


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Housewives of Atlanta: Kim Thought She’d “Get Killed” After Reunion


The Real Housewives of Atlanta‘s Kim Zolciak said she feared for her life after Tuesday’s intense on-air reunion. As US Magazine Reports:

posts-from-the-were-just-sayin-category-at-tmzcomShe almost came to blows with NeNe when she suggested that her man, Big Papa, wasn’t fond of NeNe. Sniped NeNe, “Close your legs to married men.” Later, Lisa lashed out at Kim when Kim said Lisa personally approached her about NeNe mocking her music in a limo. “Screw you ’cause you’re a liar,” Lisa seethed.

Did you know this celeb is a fan of The Real Housewives of Atlanta?

So worked up after the show, Kim said she needed some retail therapy.

“After the reunion show, I was afraid I was going to get killed so I had to invest in something that would kill them instead,” she said on The Bonnie Hunt Show (airing Wednesday; check local listings).

Her investment: New Christian Louboutin high-heel shoes — complete with spikes.

Cracked Hunt, “I have not seen those in the Payless window!”

See Hollywood’s craziest shoes!

Kim also said her country music career is a go (on Tuesday’s reunion, she claimed the album will drop in January).

“My album is going to show that I’ve worked really hard,” she told Hunt.

See the worst dressed country stars of all time!

Kim admitted that she used poor judgment after giving her daughter a $2,000 Louis Vuitton purse for her 11th birthday.

“As far as a purse and spending so much money on her birthday party, she goes to a private school. She was leaving all her friends from 5th grade going into 6th, and it was like … I want to make it big,” Kim said on the Hunt show. “I just happened to be filming in that time frame.

“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for them,” she went on. “However, they do have morals and values, and they do know that value of a dollar.”

After that episode aired, “people have harassed me,” Kim told Hunt. “It’s unbelievable.”