Maia Campbell does not even look the same see mugshot……

Maia Campbell had said to be doing fine and things were looking up, now she was arrested and she look unrecognizable what happen? The girl was full of talent and a great actress this is so sad. This is why they arrest her.

Maia was arrested on On July 5th in Santa Monica, CA after being videotaped in a drug-induced haze. She remains incarcerated on $40,000 bond at the same facility where actress Lohan was jailed. This is her 2nd arrest.

She needs help and real true support through out her ordeal, she has been spiraling out of control every since her mother author BeBe Moore Campbell died. Some of her true Celeb friends and family really needs to step in, I am sure her child needs her and misses her. While the media talks so much about Lindsay they need to talk more and get actress Maia Campbell help, the help she needs. It’s to believe that Maia is bi polar and she could be off her meds which also has got her into going insane. Truly she needs help before it’s to late. Let’s just keep praying for her and hope she makes it through this, also pray for others who are in the same situation she’s in.

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Maia Campbell is out of rehab and looking better see photo and more…

Maia  Campbell is doing better now according to sources, Maia has successfully completed her treatment in rehab and is working through her emotional issues. We last report that Maia was on drugs and Essence Magazine had an interview with one of her relatives to go on to say she is getting treatment. Maia Campbell is and actress who was in the sitcom with L L Cool J and Debbie Allen [ In The House]. Maia has a history of Bipolar Disorder and was caught on tape in some bad position with drugs as many say she was using crack and meth. There also has been rumor to Maia having a reality show coming out not sure if this is accurate, the show will show her in rehab and trying to get her life back. Many also say that Maia is pregnant not to sure on that rumor either, but lets just pray that she gets better and make it through this ordeal.

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Maia Campbell’s Father speaks out:: About her drug abuse and more read on…

In Essence Maia Campbell from the show featuring LL Cool J “In The House” Father and Grandfather speaks out, about her drug abuse and mental issues.

2009-09-19_0028After a video was released of former “In The House” costar Maia Campbell behaving irrationally with incoherent banter, the blogosphere unleashed a hailstorm of criticism and ridicule about the young actress acting out. However, Campbell has suffered for some time with bipolar disease, and her family, including her late mother, award-winning author Bebe Moore Campbell, have always loved and supported her. Campbell’s father, Ellis Gordon Jr., and grandmother, Doris C. Moore, have released an exclusive statement to addressing the recent events that have placed their daughter and granddaughter under much public scrutiny. “She is in treatment and in a facility,” Gordon says.

Our hearts have been deeply touched by the outpouring of love that so many of you have freely displayed in the past several days about our beloved Maia C. Campbell. Our spirits have been lifted by your words of support and your acts of kindness and we have been encouraged to continue our efforts to assist our daughter and granddaughter to become whole again.

As a family, we have been struggling with Maia in her illness for quite some time. We continue to hold fast to our faith and hope that some day she will realize that healing will begin when she decides to reach out and accept the help and treatment that have been offered to her. We all have challenges in life that we must face, but when compound problems such as mental illness and substance abuse are prevalent, it can appear that there is no way out. However, our sustaining faith and trust in God compels us to believe differently. We strongly believe that Maia will be healed.

We also know that Maia’s mother, the late Bebe Moore Campbell, who devoted much of her later years in life to mental health awareness and education, along with her family members and friends would welcome your prayers and support for Maia’s sustained recovery. In addition, we urge your support for efforts to diagnose and treat mental illness in our community. Read more here Essence

I pray that she get’s better and come out knowing that she has a will to live for herself and her family as well as fans.